Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spread the Joy...Spread the Love!

Since the weather has been nicer, mamma and I have been going on more walks and longer walks, too. There are lots and lots of new smells to keep me sniffing for hours.

We also see more people on our daily adventures. Sometimes people cross the road to stay away from me. Can you imagine such a thing?! Other people approach saying all kinds of nice things in really silly, high-pitch voices and ask to pet me. Either way, I just like my walks and sniffing adventures, but if mamma allows it, I’ll stop and let people pet me. Pets are always good, right!

One time, we met an elderly man who was in a wheelchair, and his daughter was pushing him along when they stopped to gush over me. He said I reminded him of his dog from when he was a little boy. His daughter said I made her dad smile.


Another time, a lady stopped us and asked to pet me. She decided to walk with us for a little bit of the way, and she told us the story of her dog who just passed away. You could tell she missed him a lot.

We seem to make some people happy, if only momentarily. You never know who you may meet along the way, or what a few minutes of interaction may mean to someone. It is always good to smile and say hello, and if you are a dog, let them pet you, as long as your human says it is ok. Spread the joy…spread the love!


  1. Hi Abby!

    I know what you're talking about. A few people are rude or scared of me, but there are so many other people who are so happy to pet and hug me. There are lots of university students where we live and so many students stop us on our walks to give me hugs and kisses because they miss their dogs at home.

    We dogs are pretty awesome.

    Love your blog!!
