Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Meet Me Monday:" Bella's Story

I am pleased to introduce to you my twitter pal, Bella (@bellisimobella1). Bella is self-described as a “girly girl,” and she will tell you she is very shy until she gets to know you, and she is a sensitive girl, so I am very grateful she agreed to let me tell her story (with some encouragement from Harry. Thank you, Harry). Bella is sweet and funny, and I am sure you will enjoy learning about her life as much as I did.

First, some of the basics. Bella is believed to be a Staffie and Patterdale cross, but everyone originally thought she was a Rottweiler puppy. Bella has black with tan markings, but mostly you will find her wearing her favorite colors, pink, pink, and pink! Bella is 9 years and 6 months now, but she was extremely little and too young to be away from her dog mother when she was found. More about Bella’s journey in a little bit.

Bella lives near the woods bordering a farm near Kent and Sussex in the United Kingdom with her family. Bella lives with her Mum and Dad, dog brofurs and cat sisfurs. Bella has three dog brofurs: Charlie, a German Shepherd and Lurcher cross, also known as Grumpy because he is 14, old, achy, and well, grumpy; Woody, a Doberman and Lurcher cross, also known as Itchy because he has some medical issues and the poor boy just scratches a lot; and Rossi, a Doberman, also known as Pickle or Baby because he is young and always getting into trouble; and two cat sisfurs: Blade and Pebbles. Sounds like there is never a dull moment in Bella’s family.

So how did Bella find her family? Believe it or not, some bad, bad monster dumped Bella and her littermate in a black sack on the side of the highway. (Can you believe the <bad words>!!!? Sorry, this makes me extremely angry. Grrr!!! Grrr!!!) Luckily, a kind human brought the abandoned puppies to a police station. As it turned out, a friend of Bella’s Mum was at the police station reporting a robbery when that rescue person brought the stray puppies in, and that friend called Mum to come get Bella right away. (A nice police officer adopted Bella’s litter mate.)

Bella’s Mum drove many, many hours to go pick Bella up from the police station. Bella’s Mum and Dad were in the middle of moving at the time, so it was a bit chaotic. Understandably, Bella is terrified of black sacks and riding in the car still, after all this time. Poor Bella, was traumatized terribly so early at the beginning of her life, and she only travels in the car today, if it is an emergency.

After hearing how Bella was found in a sack on the side of the road with a litter mate, it was not surprising to learn that Bella was extremely scared, and tiny, and she was really too young to be away from her dog mother. (I hate to even imagine what happened to her dog mother.) Anyway, Bella was wobbly and unable to stand or walk, so Bella’s human Mum stayed with Bella day and night, 24/7, until Bella was braver and able to walk a little. Bella’s Mum even had to feed her with a syringe every couple hours for a couple of weeks, so Bella also got used to cuddles under the blankets in the human’s bed. Sounds like Bella and her Mum have an extra special bond since human Mum took the place of her dog mother so early in Bella’s life.

Clearly, human Mum saved Bella’s life, but Bella saved her humans’ lives, too. At the time Bella entered Mum and Dad’s lives (and a much younger Grumpy’s life), they were in the process of moving from the city to the country where they did not know anyone. Mum and Dad had also just lost their cat, OTRB, so Bella helped to keep everyone busy by not allowing them to worry about themselves or of the unknowns in their new lives.

Bella says her Mum was easily trained and does everything she needs. Of course, her dad was easy to wrap around her paw, and she just gives Dad “the look” and he hands over the treats. Us dogs (and I’m guessing cats, too) know how to give that “look,” bol!
As mentioned before, and by the photos, you can see Bella loves the color pink, and she says, “The world would be a better place if there were more pink.” Bella loves her twitter friends, and likes bacon sticks, the hairdryer (Really? Brave girl, I say!), Staffy knits, squeakies, boomer balls, and laying in the sun or in front of the fire.

Bella dislikes cucumbers, days when she feels too shy to tweet and can’t see her friends, falling out with friends, unfairness, and her brofurs destuffing her teddies. Bella also dislikes animal cruelty in any shape or form, black sacks, cars, and being cold.

Finally, I asked Bella if there was anything else to include and this is what she had to say, “In da past few months I’ve been getting involved wif a few more bits as I’ve been gradually coming out of my shell, and I would like to thank @SpanielHarry and @SquiggleDog for always being there for me and supporting and encouraging me and for not letting me hide in da corner. I have nevfur met either of them in da weal world but they are two of my closest bestist fwends in da whole wide world and I luvs em vewy vewy much.” See, I told you Bella was a sweet girl!


Bella is a very busy girl, too! Besides spending time on twitter, Bella also has a FB page with her brothers, “Bella Wivbruvfurs –Bellisimobella1”

Bella & Squiggle
Bella has a blog with her bestie, Squiggle (@SquiggleDog), “Bella & Squiggle Doggyblog” Bella sometimes tests pink products for Squiggle’s shop, (@kind4k9) “”

Harry & Bella
Bella also has an agony aunt page on Harry’s blog, (@SpanielHarry), “Ask Bella”
Oh, and believe it or not, Bella has her own blog, too, “Bella’s Blog”

Thank you to Bella and her family for sharing their story for “Meet Me Monday” on my blog. Please leave a comment for Bella below. If you would like to share your story, please email me at I look forward to hearing from you.



  1. a great blog Abby all about my bestest fweind! wuv yoo too Bells x From Squiggle

  2. Fank yoo so much Abby for dis wonderful story on little Bewwa's life! I never knew da whole story so really happy I do now! (Yes mum cried alot when she read da part about how Bewwa was found and how mum took care of her 24/7! But she ok now)
    I now know Baby and Itchy and Grumpy's real names! Yaaaaay! Gweat work Addy! Fank yoo!!
    Lubs yoo both!

  3. Aww what a story. Lovely that gorgeous Bella found such a loving home and family. She is a beautiful furry angel who spreads a little bit of love everywhere she goes :-) love Rachel lady and flossie dog! :-) xxx

  4. OMD I had no idea that Bella's life started out so rough (and sad) ... thank heavens her forever mama found her and she now has a loving home. Brilliant interview, very interesting and informative, thanks Abby.

  5. Abby, fank yoo fur dis gweat story on my wuvly furwiend Bewwa! I didnt know she had such a bad start in life but so gwad she found the wunderful family she deserves!! Fwom Angel Good - her pink loving pal! xxxx

  6. I just became furriends with Bella.. So sad to hear & see this.. Thanku for sharing..

  7. I just b'came furriends with Bella.. How sad to see & hear.. Poor girl!!

  8. Bella yoo story made us cwy but den tears of sadness turned to tears of joy. Yoo haz a luffley fambily and yoo a speshul doggy. We luff yoo so much. Fankoo for sharin yoo stowy wif us all. XXXXX
