Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Confessions: Undies, Poop, and Mints

Hello Friends!

Just a reminder, when mamma rescued me no one was sure of my past history or my exact age. Guesses are that I was between six and nine months of age, ready to be spayed, and in desperate need of training. I was pretty much a crazy, hormonal adolescent, so it was a good thing the shelter made the spaying and training conditions of my adoption!

So, believe it or not, I was not always a good dog. I know, I know, it’s very hard to believe, bol! I did a lot of weird things as a pup, didn’t we all? Some of them were what mamma calls “gross”, but I say it was just “normal” doggie behavior. And, of course, it was my job to teach mamma the virtue of patience!

I loved mamma so much and missed her terribly when she left for work and college that I raided the laundry. Yep, you guessed it, I loved mamma’s underwear! I didn’t touch daddy’s underwear, or my human sisters’ underwear, nope, just mamma’s. I thought I was very clever stashing her undies all over the house, but mamma and other humans were not amused. I guess I outgrew that fun trick after a bit.

I soon discovered poop! It was winter when I was adopted, and I had a lovely back yard in a wooded area all to myself, so I discovered rabbit poops. Nommy! That wasn’t enough though, and this is where, in mamma’s words, I became “gross” because I started eating my own poop. Frozen treats, I say! In case you are wondering, yes, when spring came and everything thawed, I stopped eating all poop, the rabbits’ and my own.

Finally, and I do not recommend doing this, so please, learn from my mistake, ok? One day when mamma was in the shower, I raided her book bag. Ooooh, I got a yummy, movie-sized box of Junior Mints®. I ate the whole thing of chocolaty and minty goodness, including the box. I guess I was lucky that the chocolate was not enough to kill me or make me too sickly, but I got a terrible tummy ache.

We, as dogs, have an insatiable curiosity that needs to be indulged and channeled to go along with our incredible sense of smell. We need help learning what is ok to sniff and taste because we are willing to smell and eat almost anything and everything, which sometimes just is not that good for us. I outgrew my affinity for undies and poop, and mamma makes sure I don’t get near any chocolate, so it’s all good!


  1. We have the same poop problem. Just can't get off the poop. Out mom thinks we're gross too. She loves us anyway.

  2. Oh my scary with the mints Abby! Glad lessons learned! Juneau & Sunny

    1. Oh, it was scary and a good lesson for sure.
